Vanity Project Extra Live

Gig Reviews

Friday, February 03, 2006

Deville + Lucie & The Cubez - Messclean @ The Frog On The Front, Portsmouth. 16/12/05.

One of those nights where bands pull out at the last moment or simply don't turn up so we are left with just two bands tonight and first up are Lucie & The Cubez who struggle from the off. They are only at the early stages of their live experience and it badly shows as 'Lucie' looks awkward on stage and while she possesses a decent voice it is hidden behind a timid stage manner and bad posture for a singer so rather than opening up it's hidden away and sung to the floor. Musically it is slightly plodding light rock with a distinct lack of tunes, the band relying on the half decent voice to carry them and it just doesn't work as they lack a real spark. Perhaps in the future it will come together but they are going to need a stronger set if they are to make a break through.

No lack of confidence with Deville as they deliver another fast paced set of yob rock and brattish behaviour. The normal rowdy following are absent tonight for some reason so it appears the band don't quite get enough feedback to react to so it won't go down as a classic Deville gig but the new songs played tonight are punked up anthems and point to a slight shift in direction that should be lapped up when the hoards return. There is no doubt that Deville are a band, much like The Libertines/Baby Shambles fiasco, that one is going to love or hate, no middle ground here. The personality of the band is integral to the sound and you can't enjoy the sounds unless you like the band and vice versa, if you see them and think twats you are going to hate them which is no bad in these times of safe Coldplay Dad Indie rock. Having witnessed these boys a few times now, it becomes clear that their love for rock n roll is genuine and they want to live it to the full, they've grown on me and while they not be the most original band around you can't knock their commitment to the cause.


At 1:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think that Night was more to do with the sound man/promoter thinking he was mix master mike.Try lucies eps......May be your not ready for non ego music.. But your Kids will love it...

At 1:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there that night and thought the first band really outshone the second. it was nice to hear a band not conforming to your typical modern emo crap that so many bands at this time seem to be doing.......... badly. The sound man could probably do with going to college and actually learn how to use a mixing desk, i hear south downs do a pretty good course.

At 5:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plenty of years in this business - Lucie and the Cubez have a future - a real future - the second band - whatever they were called - will sink in the little pond they swim in unless the egos are put to bed and the attempts at rock star showmanship diminish to zero. It is all about the music and talent now - the rest is over...


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