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Gig Reviews

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Techno Notice + Narco + The Skies + Shadowcast - Messclean @ The Frog On The Front, Portsmouth. 11/11/05

Some gigs, for whatever reason, just don't work and tonight is one of those nights where you feel that staying at home may have been a better choice. Shadowcast have at least dropped the bland cover versions and beefed up their indie guitar sound so they hit a bit harder, unfortunately the vocalist seems to have got stuck in shouting mode which is a shame as I seem to remember him having a decent voice last time but at least they are moving in the right direction and it is still early days.

The Skies have been on the Pompey scene for a while but they just don't do anything for me, they seem to be stuck on that well worn path between The Beatles and Oasis doing jangly indie but adding nothing new to the mix; add into this some sloppy playing tonight and an out of tune bass and you have a band that come across as less than appealing and a feeling that you've seen it all before.

Oxford based Narco are a brief ray of light in that they at least look like they may be interesting and have the look of a band who want to go places. They play catchy groove laden indie pop with a big slightly cheesy organ sound dominating proceedings but at least it is fun and gets the old foot tapping at times. You kind of feel that they are not at 100% tonight, who can blame them and the sound isn't top notch; if they are playing round your way in a big venue then they are probably worth checking out as are the tunes on their website.

Techno Notice are as bad as the name suggests, fronted by a chap in a purple fluffy jacket and hat who looks like he has just emerged from a rave club circa the late 80s they attempt to play dub infused dance with added guitars. Unfortunately each member sounds like they are playing a different song and they never really get it together, when it vaguely sounds like a complete band it is weak crusty dub dance (done much better by other Pompey dub types Wiservice).Mind you they have plenty of mates who have come down who seem to find it enjoyable but one can't help but wonder if they are on something other than just beer as they do not seem to notice just how bad Techno Notice are tonight!


At 11:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Find out about Wiservice's upcoming uber-gig at the Wedgewood Rooms and download tracks/buy their studio CD at: and


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