The Torpedoes + One LIfe Left + My Retro Console + If Destroyed Still True - Messclean @ The Frog On The Front, Portsmouth. 02/12/05.
It is always a treat to have an opening band who have that wow factor and If Destroyed Still True are a quite magnificent band. They conjure up sounds that hint at country twangs, hushed melodies that get wiped out by bursts of alt.rock noise, a sparkling yet dense sound like a black hole collapsing in on itself dragging stars with it kicking and screaming. A dual guitar and vocal attack works really well and they weave and entwine in intelligent ways to create a brooding heaviness wrapped up in power and melody; an impressive start to the night.
My Retro Console (who have since had a name change...I will come back with it! KIDidiot is now the name) on the other hand are a sunshine band, a trio with perky punk pop tunes and an abundance of humour that bring a smile to your face and a need to tap your foot. They are masters of perfect pop hooks and quirky lyrics and are deserving of a larger audience with their sound perched just on the edge of MTV rotation. If you need cheering up then go see these boys as you will leave with a spring in your step and a smile on your face.
Some bands just float by you and One Life left nearly did that tonight; if I hadn't been paying attention like 90% of the others who drifted back to the bar I would have missed this treat. This is a band who grow on you, what sounds like bland indie music actually evolves into some grand epics that hint of a love of Muse and dramatic sweeps of guitar. The vocalist has a decent range and can hit the high notes well and despite looking like an odd misfit type band they work surprisingly well together to produce an original and compelling set. They won me over in the end, but a band that need your full attention in a live situation.
The problem with local nights is that you catch the same bands evry few months and it becomes difficult to think of new things to say; The Torpedoes I have seen several times, clad in black and pumping out 80s tinged rock n roll with Goth undertows and I thoroughly enjoy them each time I come across them. They are one of those bands that never change and will never be on the 'hip' list but are always solid and deliver another good set of head down rock n groove. I love it but it would sound so much better with a big crowd and some atmosphere.
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